Keyhole Long Handle Tooling

Long-reach tooling.

Keyhole excavation offers significant financial savings, reduced disruption to traffic and a lower risk of damage to other buried plant and services. The results are lower labour costs, reduced spoil and backfill material quantities, and lower reinstatement costs. Additionally, the operative is kept out of the excavation and away from the hazards associated with confined spaces.

In conjunction with network operators, ALH Systems has developed special long-reach tools for keyhole operations and keyhole versions of conventional equipment, including leakage control, drilling and tapping, plug and tee insertion and camera entry systems.

Joint Repair

Leaking joints between iron pipe sections can be treated without leaving the surface. This can significantly impact where a series of joints need to be treated at frequent intervals along a main road. Long-reach tooling allows the back of a socket to be drilled and tapped to accept a standard brass injection nipple. The repair product is injected into the joint using long delivery tubes in the usual way or with the AlH-Systems 1-litre, 3-litre and 8-litre pressure pots.